Eona, absent of limits, without beginning or end, prolongs her existence, remains in time and in its infinity. Resilient. Like time, which knows no obstacles, which lives in its own dimension, which surrounds everything and overcomes everything, it never finds any way back. It always goes on. Free, autonomous, capable of expanding and contracting, of varying its shape to follow its own path. It never stops. Its name, coming from the eon, an indefinite period of time, but of long duration. Inexhaustible. Sincere, integrated, Eona is shown. Nothing hides under her skin.
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the ECOM Federation, under the motto ‘Together for our rights. ECOM 50 years', announces the 'ECOM Awards - María José Vázquez' with the aim of recognizing the labor that people, entities, institutions and companies develop to promote and facilitate the exercise and the rights of the group of people with physical disabilities and / or organic. Eona is the sculpture that rewards these people and entities, thanking them for their work around this group.
The main body of the sculpture is made of bronze casting. This artisan process requires a model or masterpiece which will be used to copy its unique shape and extract one or more copies in the final material, bronze. To build this model, turned oak wood has been used, carving the final details and gluing the elements to compose the final geometry.
The alabaster symbolizes the obstacle, overcome by the main body. This natural material shows beautiful waters on its surface once polished, at the same time that it presents a characteristic translucency inside, giving way to light.
TIPOLOGY: Trophy | CLIENT: Fundación ECOM
YEAR: 2021 | PHOTOGRAPHY: Elena Claverol and Jordi Esteve
Eona, absent of limits, without beginning or end, prolongs her existence, remains in time and in its infinity. Resilient. Like time, which knows no obstacles, which lives in its own dimension, which surrounds everything and overcomes everything, it never finds any way back. It always goes on. Free, autonomous, capable of expanding and contracting, of varying its shape to follow its own path. It never stops. Its name, coming from the eon, an indefinite period of time, but of long duration. Inexhaustible. Sincere, integrated, Eona is shown. Nothing hides under her skin.
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the ECOM Federation, under the motto ‘Together for our rights. ECOM 50 years', announces the 'ECOM Awards - María José Vázquez' with the aim of recognizing the labor that people, entities, institutions and companies develop to promote and facilitate the exercise and the rights of the group of people with physical disabilities and / or organic. Eona is the sculpture that rewards these people and entities, thanking them for their work around this group.
The main body of the sculpture is made of bronze casting. This artisan process requires a model or masterpiece which will be used to copy its unique shape and extract one or more copies in the final material, bronze. To build this model, turned oak wood has been used, carving the final details and gluing the elements to compose the final geometry.
The alabaster symbolizes the obstacle, overcome by the main body. This natural material shows beautiful waters on its surface once polished, at the same time that it presents a characteristic translucency inside, giving way to light.
TIPOLOGY: Trophy | CLIENT: Fundación ECOM
YEAR: 2021 | PHOTOGRAPHY: Elena Claverol and Jordi Esteve